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Project Evaluation

Our production process began on 23rd February when we agreed upon our roles and selected the group we would like to work in, Initially I wanted to direct my own project, but reconsidered due to the importance of the role, I did not feel I had the capacity to do this at this time;  instead I opted to edit, as editing is one of my strongest skills. After hearing each of the directors short film pitches I volunteered to edit for 'Call me by your name' which was being directed by Stella and produced by Ella. I really liked the vision had for the project and felt it was something I could fulfil. Due to the nature of my role, my biggest contribution to the project would come after production concludes, however I also took on the role of lighting, as I thought this would aid my crew in production and also allow me to challenge myself with another area of production.  After pitching our idea with our treatment, the planning for production began, Stella was very clear with the vision sh

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