Role Research | Editor

 For this unit I will be taking on the role of camera assistant and editor, with editor being my predominant role I have looked into all requirements of the role to not only broaden my knowledge but improve my ability for this unit. 

The most important aspect of the role of editing is following the brief outlaid by the director, from following the shot list and script direction, the aesthetic vision that the director has; this includes colour grading, framing, transitions. Video editor is a vital role in the production process as it delivers the final product of all other roles, the quality of what is created reflects the quality of the entire process/.  "Cutting from a full figure master shot, for instance, to a slightly tighter shot that frames the actors from the ankles up. The new shot in this case is different enough to signal that something has changed, but not different enough to make us re-evaluate its context"

Editing is often referred to as the invisible art as typically editors cut sequences when naturally audiences blink, this makes it easy for an audience to follow and thus feels more natural; alternatively, a more unconventional method of editing can be discontinuous, the chaotic nature of the jump cuts can confuse and disorientate viewers, which can serve well in a story that is confusing and chaotic. 

Every video editor has their own techniques and conventions that they tend to use when editing, One of my personal favourite editors is Paul Machlisse, who edited Baby Driver (2017), the editing style used within this film was very quick and fast paced, Paul typically cuts to the sound of music and sync audio, which I personally find more engaging and visually interesting to watch. I feel this particular editing style has influenced my editing. 

Another aspect of editing that is vital to the reception of a film is the visual aesthetics achieved from colour grading, This enhances lighting and costume choices within a production and helps convey meaning to a production, for example in Greta Gerwigs Barbie (2023) the colour grading is very bold and bright, which emphasises the seemingly 'perfect' nature of Barbies world. 

Barbie Movie: From The Cast To The Release Date, Here's What We Know So Far  | British Vogue

Juxtaposing this, later in the film this shot where Barbie is in the real world, the colour palette is very dull and washed out, which helps Barbies costume stand out, which helps reinforce that Barbie doesn't fit in the real world. 

Barbie's new trailer sees her enter "the real world"

Bibliography,delivery%20of%20the%20finished%20result. [Online] (Accessed 23/02/2024) 

 Murch,W. 'In The Blink Of An Eye'  pp 6-7 


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