Digital News Production Paperwork

 Group Contract 

Above is the group contract I created for our group, The roles of the group are as follows:

Me - Journalist/ Editor
Travis - Producer
Wes - Camera Op
Hannah - Assistant
Zach - Lighting 

Despite the set roles, the intention was to work collaboratively and therefore may alternate roles during the project. 

News package pitch 

The pitch created by Travis and I  for our news package, it was well received by the other groups, and after presenting it gave us ideas on other avenues we can take our story. For example from the Vox pop in Maidstone Town Centre we could also interview local shop keepers on how the new legislation could affect their sales and business. 

Risk Assessment

The risk assessment was originally completed by Travis as our producer, but due to change in filming plans/illness in the group this was adapted by Zach in order to film cutaway footage for use within the news report


Logos created by Travis to fit our branding, I came up with the idea of Vinters news as the story was due to be a local story, and follow a similar pattern to ITV Meridian news reports.

Original shooting script 


A rough storyboard I created for the structure of the news story, which stemmed from this mind map I created for the concept of our story. Unfortunately the production never followed this due to the change of plans with production with group member absences. 

Teleprompter Script 

The script I wrote for the PTC based in the green screen studio, Jo and I also used this script to create graphics to fit our production. 

the research bibliography I used to formulate the teleprompter script 


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