Aesthetic Research

 Treatment for 'Call me by your name' 

As editor for the 'Call me by your name' production I looked into the aesthetic aspects that I will create and bring to the production. Expanding on the research within the treatment, I have looked into how I would cut the production to fit the vision of the director. 

Arnold,A (2019) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 01/03/2024] 

Fish tank (2009) 

Fish tank has been one of the biggest visual inspirations for Stella's vision, it was shot in 1.33:1 aspect ratio, which helps the drama of the production feel enclosed and contained; which similarly we would like to achieve in our production. The plan is to shoot with the Panasonic 4K Camera with the usual format but in post, crop the shots. The aim of this is to reflect Elio being trapped in the predatory relationship. Additionally, the colour grading in Fish Tank is high exposure/ low saturation which is commonly used in dramas. Due to the subject matter of our production, I think that using this same colouring would aid the audiences understanding of the production; as if the colour palette was brighter and high contrast it would set a brighter mood for the production. 

Joker Stairs' and the Problem With Meme Tourism | WIRED

Phillips, T (2019) [Online] Accessed at: joker-stairs-meme-tourism [Accessed on 04/03/2024]

Joker (2019) 

Another form of inspiration for the editing of the production came from the 2019 rendition of Joker. I really liked how the costume was used to contrast the location which can be further amplified in editing with the use of presets. The costume of the character is bold and colourful, this juxtaposition of his costume to his mental state helps highlight the state of the Jokers mind, which reinforces the narrative to audiences. Within our production I have suggested to Stella (Director) and Ty (Costume designer) that it would be a good idea for our protagonist Oliver to highlight the predatory nature of his character, praying on Elio. 

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Villeneuve, D ( 2013) [Online] Accessed at: [Accessed  04/03/2023]

Prisoners (2013)

A further inspiration aesthetically for the editing for our production is Prisoners. The colour grading in this film is very earthy tones and gritty which sets a tone for the production. Particularly in the scenes with the character Holly whom is the predator within the story, the colours are very unsaturated and earthy, which I hope to draw inspiration from when colour grading. 


Villeneuve, D ( 2013) [Online] Accessed at: [Accessed  04/03/2023]

Phillips, T (2019) [Online] Accessed at: joker-stairs-meme-tourism [Accessed on 04/03/2024]

Arnold,A (2019) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 01/03/2024] 


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