Pre Production

As Director and producer for this project Stella and Ella were responsible for the majority of the pre-production elements for this as shown below; as my role as editor is based solely in post production I didn't have a lot of direct involvement, despite this I did plan the elements of the project that would impact my role. For example, from the below shot list and annotated script I planned and discussed with Stella how the production would be cut together. 

Shot List
 created by Stella 
Before filming Stella, Lilli (Camera op) and I sat and discussed how we would shoot the production, from this Stella and I discussed how we would frame them, of which we planned to shoot things 'boxed in' to represent how Oliver and Elio are stuck and boxed in their relationship. 

created by Stella 

Casting Call

The casting call created by Stella and Ella, this was posted to Mandy, unfortunately the casting from this was unsuccessful, I then shared it onto the Kent Film Makers Facebook page which also unfortunately gained no traction. Due to the casting being unsuccessful, one of our actors was Stella's friend that we used in a previous project, and Stella also acted.

Script Analysis 


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