Filming Workshops

 180 Degree Rule

After our lesson on the 180 degree rule we were given the task as a group to take a script and shoot following the rule. As an actor in this shoot I didn't have a lot of creative input and instead followed the idea of Ella, who was Director. During the filming process we had to change our location halfway through filming due the environment being too busy and loud, we moved into the library to film, which was difficult when shooting on the 180 rule as it is quite a small room so getting certain shots proved difficult, although this set us back slightly due to having to restructure/reshoot our script, It ultimately turned out better as we had more control with the sound. On the next workshop I hope to be able to have more creative input on the project. 

In this workshop we were given the task of creating a video involving 2 chairs and a conversation, as this was our first time using the Panasonic cameras it was a trial and error process, I am happy in terms of how quickly we pieced together an idea, and how the shots turned out, but upon reflection wish we could have used audio to experiment with this further. The reason we decided not to at the time was due to the fact that others were recording at the same time so we did not want this to affect the quality. 

For the Chatham Dockyard workshop we decided to use a quick script that Ty had written rather than exploring any of our script ideas, this was due to the short turn around we had to complete the project and the fact that all of our script ideas didn't particularly fit any of the settings at the dockyard. Overall I'm pleased with the outcome of the project, we all worked well together as a team, despite some initial hiccups with continuity (the pitfall of having to be our own actors within the project), we overcame it by changing up the roles and pushing on to complete the project. 


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