Digital News Workshop

In the first week of Digital News we did a workshop with the green screen room, we used a short news script written by Ty for this. Within the workshop Ferg taught us the importance of lighting the green screen accurately to insure no shadows were created in the background (as this can affect keying in post production). It was my first time reading off of a teleprompter which initially I found difficult as I found Tys script to be quite wordy, but after altering the script we managed to film this segment successfully.

Upon returning from the Christmas break we had a workshop with Ferg to assist us with editing green screen footage. I decided to complete my edit on Final Cut Pro as I am more comfortable with this software, and feel as editor for this project it would be more time efficient to complete the edit on this software for this module,  as I am far more confident with it. I hope to improve my confidence with Premiere for the next module where I will have more time for practise. 

Before keying 

After keying + adding lower thirds 

    Logos for our News company created by Travis, we decided to go with the name Vinters News as we felt that despite the news package we're creating being a national issue, we are only portraying the effect it is having locally. 


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