Analysis of a news package | ITV Meridian winter pressures at local hospitals

Within the news package by ITV 'A day in the life at a major hospital as winter pressure bites',  health news correspondent Rebecca Barry investigates the issues of wait times and other pressures faced by hospitals during the winter. 

The broadcast opens in the studio with the presenter at a news desk in front of a green screen, projected onto the backdrop the viewer first sees 'NHS wait times' which directly tells the audience what the news story is about, following this, the presenter then goes into some statistics which have been sourced via NHS England (this source is displayed in the bottom of the graphic). Through the use of these graphics the stance of the story is then conveyed to the viewer - as the statistics are going into the lengthy wait times and ambulance responses times, its clear the direction the story is following; the negative impact this has on the patients and hospitals. 

After around 30-40 seconds of this introduction to the news story, it then cuts to the news correspondent on location at the Royal Preston Hospital, this is introduced through a voice-over of the news correspondent narrating a typical day at the hospital, with cutaway down footage of the hospital exterior, with sound effects of hospital equipment which subtly builds the suspense of the story. 

Once the location and basis of the story have been established via these conventional news methods, cutaways of scenes within the hospitals are used in combination of audio conversations between doctors, phones ringing, and medical equipment sounding, all alongside the news readers voice over "the emergency department is full" all help convey to audiences the pressures the hospitals are facing and the severity of the matter. Proceeding this establishment to the angle of the story, the news correspondent then interviews several people to aid the story, mainly 'primary sources' such as a Medical Consultant, Respiratory consultant and the director of North West Ambulance services. The use of these interviews gives a sense of legitimacy to the story for the audience as their positions are seen as authoritative within the industry. 

The use of the graphics aids the viewer to understand the importance of the interviewees to the story. 

Following this, the news correspondent then interviews a patient of the hospital which helps the audience gain further insight into the reality of being a patient at the hospital during busy periods. The use of this interview helps give a sense of relatability to the audience, as they too could be in that position. Which can help amplify the purpose of the news story and how the issue with wait times in hospitals is effecting society. The interview within this story also happened to be with a patient who is also a nurse, and she explains the other side to the issue. 

From analysing this ITV news package it has helped me recognise the key production elements needed to produce our news package, as we are going to be creating a news package based on the issues of vaping, I feel it needs to follow the same conventions used by organisations such as ITV, BBC and Sky as they are often viewed as reliable, dependable and serious sources, as opposed to content produced by organisations such as LAD Bible and Vice, which often don't report on serious matters. 

Going forward into the planning stage of our production, I aim to use the same style of graphics (opening of broadcast statistics  graphic and use of lower thirds) used within this package as I feel it helps the news package be viewed as more serious and reliable, The use with interviews; we are hoping to interview a Doctor as a use of a reliable source, and also potential interviews with the general public which will help gain a stance on the publics view on the issue. And lastly, as the journalist for the production I will create voice-overs to overlay any cutaway footage we shoot to aid the narrative of the story. 


ITV 'A day in the life at a major hospital as winter pressure bites' 2024 [Online] 
Accessed January 2024


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